LIVE WEBINAR: Bias and Microaggressions–Addressing Current Issues

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

1-2:30 p.m.

Racism and xenophobia, along with many other types of microaggressions and bias, have increased as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Asians and Asian Americans have faced harassment, discrimination and violence, while a shift to remote or virtual online learning has left many without equitable tools to learn. The use of masks by many people of color further illuminates the cultural bias society has as some are perceived as criminals although the use of protective facial coverings is advised for many across the world.

How can campuses address these key equity and inclusion concepts in light of the current health crisis?

How can faculty, staff and administrators educate and respond both virtually and in on-campus environments?

headshot of presenter
Naomi Sigg

This live webinar is designed to raise awareness, address incidents and lessen exclusion within your community.

Naomi Sigg, director of Multicultural Affairs at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, will be the presenter. She will offer actionable takeaways to help delve into these issues and effectively combat incidents within the campus community and beyond. Participants should develop a foundational understanding of important equity and inclusion concepts, the ability to assess their own biases, and strategies to address microaggressions, bias, discrimination and hate towards a variety of communities whether virtually or in person.

To register for the webinar go to

After registering for the event, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the webinar and retrieve materials.

This event is presented by PaperClip Communications.

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